After months of hard work, I have two new songs to share with you. Turn up your speakers, click on the links, and enjoy.

The first is one you’ve seen me mention here in my blog before. It’s by Crystin Byrd, and it’s called “Blue Angel,” from the upcoming independent film of the same name. She wrote the song, sang, and played acoustic guitar, her cellist Scott Allen played the cello parts (that I wrote), and I played drums, bass, electric guitar, and keyboards. The weird sound effects that show up occasionally were all done with electric guitar pedals. Believe it or not, we recorded it entirely in her basement.

The second is by the Young Immortals, and it’s called “The Fever.” It’s not the same version that’s on the Starbucks CD, which is me and Jake playing everything. This version is from the band’s album “When History Meets Fiction,” which just came out on Wednesday. On this song, I played piano, organ, keyboards, and the electric guitar solo.

I hope you enjoy these songs. I’m glad to finally be able to share them with you.