This year has mercifully come to a close. It was a mess for me in so many ways. Lots of memorable good times, to be sure, but for the most part I look back on 2007 as being a year of utter confusion. I, for one, am glad it’s over.

My first resolution for 2008 is to get the huge puddle of water off the floor of my car.

My second resolution is to be a better person.

My third resolution is to produce a CD with at least one new person of my choosing.

My third resolution is that I will finally learn something from all of the fucking mistakes I seem to keep making over and over again.

My fourth resolution is private.

My fifth resolution is semi-private, but I will say that it involves love.

My sixth resolution is to cook more.

My seventh resolution is to get my dang bike fixed already.

There are others, of course, but this is a good start.

p.s. – I hope we all have a Happy New Year, and a great 2008.