“Don’t look back; always look ahead.”

Hm. Particularly apropos lately. Even my dream the other day seemed to be saying something similar; if you’re going to go back the way you came, watch out. Trouble awaits you there.

Tomorrow I’m taking the day off from work to play an internet radio show with Breanna. No, I don’t know what the name of it is yet, but Breanna was very excited when she heard about it, so it sounds like it could be a great opportunity. I’ll keep you posted or take some pictures or something.

[EDIT: I should’ve waited until later to write. I got a call from DrummerAdam this afternoon, saying that he came across an ad on ListNamedAfterOneMan about a Portland band with a style similar to that of Arcade Fire and the Decemberists who are looking for a tasteful lead guitarist and drummer. He responded, and gave them our names so they can look into our musical resumés. I’m definitely intrigued. I can’t wait to find out who they are, so we can see whether or not we’re interested.]