blogging, Portland, true November 8th, 2008I won’t spend too much time dwelling on this here, because this not normally a political blog in any way, but suffice it to say that Tuesday’s election made me feel, quite possibly for the first time in my life, proud to call myself an American citizen.
A small group of us (Allanah, Lucy, Mike, Scotty and I) went to a huge radio show/election event at Grand Central Bowl over in southeast Portland, and had the time of our lives. Every time a new state went Democratic, everyone in the place clapped and cheered. John McCain’s speech was eloquent and gracious, and everyone was impressed. That speech, incidentally, was the first time in which I felt I was again watching the John McCain who I actually used to like and respect, who I even considered voting for in previous elections. It seems to me that he lost his personal focus this time, and he spent the last few months trying to pass himself off as a conservative, which he’s not. But that’s neither here nor there.
Barack Obama appeared on the screen to wild applause. Every one of his pauses was punctuated by our cheers and hands raised into the air. We were surprised to see Jesse Jackson and Oprah Winfrey in the crowd, as spectators. I think everyone felt a huge sense of relief. It took me until the next day at work to realize how anxious I’d been lately, because I was able to juxtapose my relaxed feeling with the tension of the previous day.
At the end of the night, our little group of friends did a collective high-five to commemorate the historic moment in our own small way.
Yay. Here’s to a new country, and to a new world.