As you know, this is not normally a political blog, but I saw something on CNN today while I was at lunch that completely floored me, and I knew I had to share here too.  My friend and I were in a newly renovated Vietnamese restaurant (it was excellent, by the way; much better than it used to be), in which they now have a flat-screen television mounted on the wall, showing CNN, just like McDonald’s does.  (This restaurant also displays a small bust of Jesus on the wall, right next to the bar, but that’s neither here nor there.)  Normally, I’m fundamentally opposed to televisions in restaurants, because television is ubiquitous already.  Do we really need to be constantly distracted and entertained while we’re attempting to eat and converse with our friends and/or family?

We weren’t even able to hear it, anyway, because they had cheesy Christmas music playing over it.

Having said all that, this ONE TIME I’m actually glad that they had the television in the restaurant, because it allowed me to see this footage:

I haven’t laughed that hard at anything in quite some time, and I’ve certainly never seen anything like it in my entire life.  Apparently, the Arabic translation of what the shoe thrower (who, incidentally, is an Iraqi journalist living and working in Egypt) yelled is, “Here’s a farewell kiss, you dog!”  This guy had the courage to do what it seems that many Iraqis (and, dare I say, many Americans!) would love to have done also.

Here’s one account of the story; here’s another.  Here’s another.
