amazing musical weekend
beautiful, music, Oregon, pictures, recording March 9th, 2008Well, this weekend surely was an amazing one. Here are the stats:
Number of great friends I spent time with: 3
Number of songs I recorded parts for: 3 (On Song #4, we all decided that it already sounded great.)
Number of instruments crammed into my car: 12
Number of instruments that weighed over 100 pounds: 1
Number of pieces of gear that were also crammed into my car: 8
Number of sleeping bags and pillows crammed into my car: 1 each
Number of Spinal Tap quotes inscribed on the studio wall with a Sharpie: 1 (“Have a good time, ALL the time.”)
Number of brilliant Miles Davis DVD’s viewed: 1
Number of creaky sofas attempted to sleep on and then abandoned: 1
Number of birds named Lucy who didn’t keep me awake because I moved my sleeping bag upstairs: 1
Number of floors slept on, and number of drum sets slept next to: 1 each
Number of amazing meals eaten: 3
Number of offers to work there in the future: 2
Number of frickin’ awesome albums I’m very excited to co-produce this year: 1; Andrea’s.
Number of great memories and experiences accrued: a multitude