For some reason, I’ve had like three or four e-mails this week from people asking why I’m agnostic. A couple of them were generic, from people who just did a search for people who are agnostic, and started contacting them. But a couple were from people who had actually read my blog, and shared their thoughts. That was surprising, and kinda put me off, quite frankly.

I’m not a fan of missionaries or proselytizers. For me spirituality is personal and not easily explained. I don’t get it from the places or sources that other people seem to get it from, but I do know how to tap into it, and I do so on a regular basis. No, I’m not willing to explain it to some random stranger who e-mails me once out of the blue.

And for the record, agnosticism is not atheism; there’s a big difference.

I used to go to my mom’s church until I was about eighteen years old. I will never forget the turning point. The preacher was giving his sermon, and suddenly, he came to the ‘point’ of it, which was this:

“We think too much.”

What the hunh? We THINK too much? Tell that to the Jewish people, I thought, who question every line of everything, and who still have huge faith.
I never went back.

And also, I’m a preacher’s kid, y’know? I’ve seen it from behind the scenes.

I don’t like writing about this subject–as Mark Twain once said, everyone’s opinions about religion and politics are second-hand opinions, and I’m certainly no theologian–but I felt I should share it because my spiritual life seems to be quite important to a few random people lately. Rest assured that this will probably be the only time I will discuss it here.

We now return you to your beautiful, funny, sad and true blog, already in progress.