Last night was an absolute jumble of dreams, so much so that I can’t even begin to tell where one ended and another began, or which scene went with which dream.  What I do remember is that they were full of chaos.  Lots of driving around looking for someone or someplace and not getting there, walking around with friends at an outdoor event (with big stacks of boxes of potato chips and water bottles everywhere) and talking on the phone with various people at the same time.

One of the dreams involved JapaneseFriendOfIrishBand who called to ask me where the gig was.  I didn’t remember, but I kept walking with a guitar until I ended up at a wedding, and it turned out that we were playing at the reception.  We arrived very late, just after the ceremony had finished, and the string quartet players were packing up and leaving.  The cellist woman and I had a brief interaction and kind of smiled at each other.

That’s what the dreams were like.  Random and fairly chaotic, but I wouldn’t say they were especially interesting.  At least they were numerous.

In another, I was driving around in my ancient Toyota Celica (best car I’ve ever had, by the way) along a forested highway.  I had to find a certain place, but I didn’t know where I was going, and had no map.  I turned around in someone’s driveway, and there was another of the same type of Celica sitting there.  You hardly ever see those old ones anymore, so I saw the lady putting her yard tools away in her garage and asked her if I could look at it.  She agreed, and we poked around each others’ cars a little bit.  Really a pointless dream, as far as that goes, but only interesting to me because I got to drive around in my Celica again.

I could sure use another visit from Christine, though.  Someone very much like her was in a dream a week or so ago, but it wasn’t her.  Le Sigh.  She’ll be back.