I just got home (it’s 11:00 at night as I’m writing this) to find that I had a ton of hits today from a link on AOL. I checked it out, and sure enough, there it is. Top of the list. Ay-Oh-Freakin’-Ell. That’s huge exposure. The funny thing about it is that out of all the witty, insightful, emotional and heartfelt entries here on BFST, which one do you suppose the bots linked to?

This one; one of the lamest non-entries in the entire blog.


It’s as if they’re bringing a news crew to discover the Next Big Thing. The crew turn on the lights, the drumroll begins, and the announcer-slash-supermodel says, “Okay, America, here. . .he. . .IS!” They knock on the door and I answer, surprised, blinking and squinting and raising my hand in front of the bright lights and cameras, disheveled and unshaven, wearing boxer shorts and a ‘Makin’ Bacon‘ T-shirt.

I say, “Uhhhh. . .hi?” with the rising inflection, looking around for a place to hide. “I’m kind of. . .uh. . .I never wear this shirt. Can you guys come back in an hour? I’m just. . .gonna–” I gesture with my thumb toward the back of my apartment building. “I gotta go.”

What I’m trying to say, by way of China, is that if you’re one of the people who clicked over to my blog from AOL, welcome. I have the sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t what you were expecting to find, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.