blogging, true No Comments »Wow, I just realized that it’s been weeks since I’ve written anything. It’s been a crazy month, full of trips to Seattle, and gigs, and recording, plus a healthy dose of holiday cheer (um. . .yeah) in addition to all the usual Everyday Life stuff, which hasn’t left me feeling very compelled to write lately. I’m essentially doing you a favor, by sparing you the minutiae of all of that.
Money has been a bit tight, after a flurry of gigs with little or no pay. That’s frustrating, because while I love all the people I play with, it’s really hard to keep a high level of motivation when you put your heart and soul (and time, and energy, and gas, and expensive musical instruments) into something and you’re compensated with gratitude. . .which is great, don’t get me wrong, but gratitude doesn’t pay the bills.
About three months ago, I managed to scratch both of my eyes within a week of each other. That was a pretty miserable couple of weeks. Why am I bringing that up now? Because a couple of nights ago, I scratched my right eye again. Driving to rehearsal that evening, in rush hour traffic, through the rain and fog, didn’t do much to improve the situation, either. Last night’s unpaid gig was really great, and really fun, but also really painful, and I had to reschedule tonight’s dinner plans for Sunday night instead.
I feel like I’m being a CrankyPants lately, instead of my usually indomitable self. I did have a bunch of excellent dreams last night, however, which were a saving grace after my scratched eye kept me awake for much of the night. I’ll have to include them here, once I decide how to share them.
I have two funny things to report. The first is that last night, after the gig, I was loading my instruments to the car in a torrential downpour, which is still dumping on OurFairCity as I’m writing this. A homeless guy walked up with a small spray bottle and offered to wash my window. “I’ll do a real good job,” he said. I was unable to keep from chuckling a little as I gestured to the sheets of rain. “I’d say it’s getting taken care of already.”
The second thing is someone I overheard when I was at the grocery store this afternoon, buying a new headlight bulb for my car. (On every other car I’ve had, changing headlight bulbs has been a breeze, but on my Honda, it’s a gigantic pain in the ass. . .but I digress.) This person was talking into her cell phone, and I can only imagine the other end of the conversation. I’ll leave you with this:
“Remember that time I karate-kicked you in the face? On accident?”