IrishBand has been doing an incredible amount of recording lately at my place. Drummer works early in the morning and is done by noon, so he’s been coming over here around one o’clock, where I have my drums and microphones set up. It works surprisingly well, and sounds surprisingly good too.
A couple of weeks ago, we got an offer that we couldn’t refuse. One of our musician friends, El Jefe, is in an audio recording program at the local community college. Apparently it’s a really good program, and they sometimes ask bands to volunteer a day of their time so that the students can practice with a real group in real situations. In return, the band gets a free demo of some of their songs. El Jefe (in the black shirt and glasses) immediately thought of us, so we went in bright and early on Saturday morning.
We all had a grand time, and got two really good recordings out of the deal. I can’t wait to hear how the final mixes come out. The class will be working on them over the rest of the length of the semester or term or whatever.
Oh yeah. . .I forgot (which is to say, I remembered) to add some pictures of us too.
Irish flags tend to be pretty scarce around most recording studios, so we took the liberty of bringing our own. Notice that we even put one in the room with Violinist, which I think looks really cool. No pictures of me in this bunch, unfortunately (fortunately?), because these are from my camera, and I was the one shooting. So. When I see the pictures that the other guys took, I might post some here, but I’ll definitely post links to our recordings once we have some to share.
I also want to extend a huge thank you to El Jefe and the recording crew at the school. They did a really great job, individually and together, and were total professionals. Best of all, everyone left with a big smile on his or her face at the end of the day, which is always the most telling sign of a successful recording session.