national corndog day

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Did you know that today is National Corndog Day?  Well, now you do.

What IS National Corndog Day?  Well, according to their web site, it’s the “happiest day of basketball and meats on sticks that you’ll ever have.”

How does one celebrate NCD?

  1. Attend an established National Corndog Day celebration. Check out the party list to find the closest public NCD celebration near you.
  2. Host your own NCD celebration. Hosting a NCD celebration of your own is easy! You just need the following:
    • Friends
    • TV with cable or satellite
    • An oven or microwave
    • One or more couches, lazyboys, beanbags, or other comfortable seating
    • A bunch of corndogs (Foster Farms recommended)
    • A bunch of tater tots
    • A bunch of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer (in a can) and/or Jones Soda
    • Plain yellow mustard and ketchup
    • NCD 2009 tally sheet – to keep tabs on your participant’s stats

To me, this sounds like an excuse for everyone to eat like the Dynamite family (Napoleon, Kip, Uncle Rico, et al), but if you decide to participate in NCD, feel free to post a link and tell the world about it.


do you speak english?

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La Maison en Petits Cubes

beautiful, funny, pictures, sad, true No Comments »

When I saw that La Maison en Petits Cubes had won the Oscar for being the best animated short film, I was stunned.  Pleasantly.  I say that because I love Kunio Kato’s work, and I’ve posted some of it in my blog before.   I am SO SICK of always being ahead of my time.

That’s a joke, by the way.  My tongue was planted firmly in my cheek as I wrote that.

Here’s Part One of the video. I trust that you can find Part Two on your own.


funny, pictures No Comments »

At around 11:00 this morning, I realized that I was wearing two different types of shoes.  I know; check out the big brain on Todd.  At least they’re both Docs, though, so that’s gotta count for something.



viva la vida

music, pictures, recording No Comments »

The first two Coldplay albums are two of my all-time favorites.  I haven’t been overly excited about the last couple of albums, but I got the new one this weekend, and I can’t get enough of this song. What? Don’t be a hater.