best of 2008, BFST style

beautiful, blogging, cello, funny, love, music, pictures, Portland, recording, sad, true, Yakima No Comments »

It’s been quite a year, I have to say.  Going through and choosing entries was particularly difficult this time around.  I always enjoy looking backwards.  So much has happened this year that it had become a bit of a blur, quite frankly, and it was fun to revisit some of those experiences.  Others, however, weren’t nearly as much fun.  I could have made this entry about twice as long as it is.  There will be another separate entry for the ‘best pictures of 2008’ coming soon.

accordions, Decemberists, and EmeraldCity – This involves a night when I made a noticeable transition from fan to equal participant.

shock – This was one of the worst days of my entire life.

good news and truth – This was the end of said time.

Yakima trip, part one – This was quite possibly the worst Yakima trip ever, in which I lost a friend.

Tinkle – Tinkle is the name of a fictitious product; this entry describes a hilarious parody my friends and I made of sports drink commercials from the early 90’s.

on tour, day 3 – This was one of the best and most memorable days of my entire life.

my dinner with Andre – We read the screenplay in the play-reading group, and there are also some ruminations about why this movie meant so much to me.

‘six-six-five and one fucking half’ – This is a rock ‘n’ roll story from way back in the day.

errrr. . .hi, mom – I have to be honest; I really like this particular entry.

O, the hilarity ensues – ‘Good luck driving around with my dead, pregnant wife!’

please ban more books – The school district in the town in which I grew up turns out to be responsible for upholding a ban on a very famous book.  Glad I left that town.

litany – This was a hilarious repartee my friend and I shared.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your support throughout this last year.  In case this somehow wasn’t enough for you, here’s the entry for the best entries of 2007.

Have a great new year!


happy birthday, BFS&T!

beautiful, blogging, funny, sad, true 1 Comment »


Yes, it’s true.  Beautiful, Funny, Sad & True has turned the Terrible Two.

That means that before too long this blog will start teething, vocalizing, screaming, yelling, putting things in its mouth, touching everything, imitating everything I do. . .it’s gonna be tough, but I think we’ll weather the storm.  After all, we have a good track record of working things out.

I just hope that everything will work out in the end, you know?  I want to see it grow into a healthy entity of its own.  I want to know that I gave it everything I knew how to give, and that it learned from me, but that it still made its own decisions, and thrived.  I mean, we all want the best for our offspring, right?  We want to see them turn out to be happy, and successful, and well-adjusted.  We want them to individuate and be self-actualized.  We want them to stand on the shoulders of giants.

We love them.

Gosh, listen to me.  Blathering on like a. . .blathering person.  I feel like a parent who, upon meeting someone for the first time, reaches into his or her wallet to produce picture after picture of their kid, saying, “See?  See?  This is mine!”  Well, what can I say?  I’m proud of this here little thing, dang it.   I’m not gonna lie.  I’ve met some really good new friends through this strange and wonderful medium, and I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank you for being a part of it all.

I’d like to propose a toast; to many more good years to come. Be careful with that champagne. . .

a ‘farewell kiss’

blogging, funny, pictures, true 4 Comments »

As you know, this is not normally a political blog, but I saw something on CNN today while I was at lunch that completely floored me, and I knew I had to share here too.  My friend and I were in a newly renovated Vietnamese restaurant (it was excellent, by the way; much better than it used to be), in which they now have a flat-screen television mounted on the wall, showing CNN, just like McDonald’s does.  (This restaurant also displays a small bust of Jesus on the wall, right next to the bar, but that’s neither here nor there.)  Normally, I’m fundamentally opposed to televisions in restaurants, because television is ubiquitous already.  Do we really need to be constantly distracted and entertained while we’re attempting to eat and converse with our friends and/or family?

We weren’t even able to hear it, anyway, because they had cheesy Christmas music playing over it.

Having said all that, this ONE TIME I’m actually glad that they had the television in the restaurant, because it allowed me to see this footage:

I haven’t laughed that hard at anything in quite some time, and I’ve certainly never seen anything like it in my entire life.  Apparently, the Arabic translation of what the shoe thrower (who, incidentally, is an Iraqi journalist living and working in Egypt) yelled is, “Here’s a farewell kiss, you dog!”  This guy had the courage to do what it seems that many Iraqis (and, dare I say, many Americans!) would love to have done also.

Here’s one account of the story; here’s another.  Here’s another.


a heartwarming musical tale

blogging, cello, funny, love, music, pictures, Portland, recording, true, Washington, Yakima No Comments »

My friend just called to tell me that he got a message on BookOfFaces from a girl in his high school class.  This year is their twentieth reunion, so the class is using that web site as the point of connection for everyone.

So he got a message from a woman saying that she remembers him from choir, and asking him if he also used to play in the band Iron Horse.  My friend said he did, and she told him that to this day she’s married to a guy she met at one of our shows.  To the few and the proud who may actually have been in attendance at Iron Horse shows back in the day, and who might also be reading this, it was our show at the Ahtanum Youth Park.

There, you see?  Music really does have the power to bring people together, especially if it’s the music of INXS, Yngwie Malmsteen, Van Halen and the Beatles.  And, of course, the Fat Boys.  She said they slow-danced to our version of “Honesty” by Billy Joel, which we did an off-the-cuff version of (along with many other songs) in order to stretch out the night.

This is one of those blog moments when I wish I had a VHS-to-computer transcriber thingy, because I have that show somewhere on a videotape, but I have no way to get it onto my Mac.  So I could totally allow her to relive the magic all over again, by finding her on BookOfFaces and sending her a link to this blog entry, with a hilarious old video of the song she and her husband danced to, way back when.  I suppose it’s the thought that counts, right?  I’d totally do that if I had the technology.  Grrr.

That story made me laugh, warmed my heart, and brought a little tear to my eye all at the same time, mostly because A) those of us in the band thought it was a fairly crappy but funny show, where we did all these weird songs we’d never played before, and B) I just think it’s awesome that not only did she meet her future husband at that of all shows, but that they’re still together now, over twenty years later.

Le Sigh.

dark days

music, pictures, true No Comments »

I recently got the documentary Dark Days from InternetFlicks, and I wanted to share it with you.  It tells the story of a few of the people who live in the abandoned train tunnels underneath New York City, and it’s absolutely one of the most gripping, heartfelt and memorable documentaries I’ve ever seen.  I recommend it whole-heartedly.

Here’s a clip of the first ten minutes of the film.

You’re probably lucky that I wasn’t able to find a link to the complete movie online, because otherwise you’d have sat here and watched the entire movie, because it’s so compelling and unusual.

As a bonus, the music (composed by DJ Shadow) is particularly excellent.  In fact, some of it may even sound familiar to you if you’re a regular listener to the radio show This American Life.

