First of all, you’ll be glad to know that there’s good news on the car front. I’ll spare you some of the details, but it boils down to the fact that since the distributor fixed the problem, that means that the timing belt is okay, and that I don’t have to do Part Two of the repair Plan. Yee haw. I’m still broke, though, for the time being, but at least I’ll only be broke for a month, instead of clear into the new year.
So that’s good, I guess.
Had a couple of odd experiences at shows this past weekend. At the Breanna and Justin show, we had our first heckler, of sorts. He was drunkenly walking from table to table and chatting up the all of the ladies, whether they were with their respective guys or not. Naturally, this included Breanna as well, which already had him on Justin’s radar screen. In the middle of our second set, Justin started to play one of his songs, which apparently has a similar chord progression to a classic rock song, because the guy started laughing and singing the classic rock song really loudly. Justin stopped playing and said, “Do you want to come up here and sing?”
“No, I just blahblah suck blahblah mumble mumble.”
“Y’know what? I don’t like you very much.”
“I don’t like you either.” This was a very awkward and tense moment. No one, including us, had any idea what this guy was likely to do next.
Justin’s honesty and diplomacy kicked in. “Here’s the thing. As a musician, you spend your whole life learning how to play the guitar, how to sing, how to write songs. Then you go and play them for people, and some people really like them. And that’s great. Some people don’t like them, and that’s cool too. Not everybody has to like them. But if you don’t like it, and you don’t want to be here, then you can go ahead and leave.”
The guy stood up and walked slowly to the front of the stage, looked at Justin angrily for a second, then turned and walked down the stairs and out of the room. Everyone clapped for Justin, out of a sense of relief and a bit of amazement too, I think.
The rest of the show was stellar after that. We felt energized and invigorated, and played our best. Before that, we had some technical problems, and some sound problems, and it was an ‘off’ cello night for me, which I have occasionally. I even have them sometimes when I play guitar, after all these years. Incidentally, November 20th (that’s tomorrow) is the anniversary of the day that I got my very first guitar, clear back in 1985. I’ll let you work out the math on that, and in the meantime, I’ll try to scrounge up a picture.
At the IrishBand show on Saturday, Singer and his girlfriend had an argument. That’s all I’ll say about it, partly because they seem to have worked things out, and partly because both of them are readers of this blog. All seems to be forgiven, but it did make for an uncomfortable show, and a short one at that.
Singer called me first thing in the morning to ask me if I was still up for our musician friend’s birthday brunch, which I had to confess that I’d forgotten about. I said yes, I’d love to go, and he and Violinist came and picked me up. The party was a blast. We had quiche, and bacon (Singer, a lifelong vegetarian, ate bacon for the first time!), and cheesy potatoes of some sort, and all kinds of muffins and bagels, and fruit, and chai, and the best Bloody Mary I’ve ever had in my entire life. Violinist even stuck a piece of bacon in his, which looked repulsive, but. . .well, he seemed to enjoy it. I wished that I had my camera with me, but at least I had my phone, so here’s a picture.

We left around 1:30 and came back to my place to do record some parts (djembe, vocals, and violin) for one of our songs. Sounds really good so far, but it isn’t quite there yet, so we have some re-recording to do.
In other news, CincinnatiFriend is in town to defend her dissertation. She’s actually doing that as I’m writing this, and I’m going to go and visit her after I’m done at work. I’m super excited to see her again. She moved a year and half ago, and I can’t believe it’s been that long. I’m taking tomorrow off from work so that we can either go to all of her favorite haunts, or take a little day trip and catch up about everything.
Mom and Stepdad are coming to visit from Yakima on Friday, which should be fun. They’ll be staying with me, for the first time since I’ve lived here in Portland. This is the first time that I’ve had the right kind of living space (and the right kind of furniture) to make that possible and enjoyable for all of us. Wish me luck. We’re gonna do lots of cooking, and a bit of shopping, and J’s going to get to meet them. Hopefully CincinnatiFriend and RockShowGirl will get to meet them too.
Should be a great week. I’ll keep you posted.