for guitar geeks only
blogging, music August 19th, 2007Beware: this entry is a guitar equipment geek-out.
I was very excited to find one of these guitar distortion pedals on Craigslist this morning. New they go for ninety bucks, used (at a music store) they’re between sixty and seventy. This one was a mere forty, and it’s never been used.
The guy who was selling it is a total metalhead, so it’s not nearly enough distortion for him. He got it because he ‘might end up trying it’, but then he decided to use things other than pedals to get the sound he wants, so he’s never even plugged it in before. And it shows. It’s in pristine condition. I’ve been looking for a used one for months; it was worth it to wait for just the right one.
If you come see me play sometime soon, this pedal will be used for most of the solos. When you hear me switch to a louder, more distorted sound than usual, this will be it.
Here ends Guitar Geek-Out. We now return you to the witty, insightful blog that you’ve come to expect, already in progress.