getting better
beautiful, blogging, funny, music, sad, true January 29th, 2008It seems that I’m not alone; these last couple of weeks have been extremely strange and emotional for almost everyone. Unfortunately, the things that have been happening are not subjects that are appropriate for me to write about here, especially not with a certain someone slithering around. Family issues, friend issues, money issues…all seem to be par for the course at the same time. I suppose you know what they say about rain.
Let’s hope the worst is over.
Here’s a short list of some statistics for the week, though. It certainly ain’t all bad, either, by any stretch of the imagination:
- number of distressing phone calls from close friends in tears: 3
- number of best-in-my-whole-life drum recording sessions: 2
- number of cockroaches seen in my building: 1
- number of cockroaches seen in my apartment: ZERO
- number of days home sick from work last week: 2
- number of excellent Wes Anderson movies seen in the theater: 1
- number of excellent new anime’s I’ve watched online, for free: 4
- number of nights in which I got fewer than three hours of sleep: 3
- number of interesting and deep phone conversations, today alone: 3
- number of hilarious conversations today involving Hitler’s love life: 1
Clearly, if I’m able to incorporate Hitler–let alone his love life–back into my humor lexicon, I’m starting to feel like my usual self. I mean (with all due respect), the subjects of brain cancer and full-blown AIDS can almost always provide good fodder for comedy, but I generally have to be feeling at my tippy top in order to find humor in Hitler.
So. Moving on.
I’ve finally been feeling like writing again lately, and by that I mean writing about real and important subjects. Six months or so ago, I was poking around online, trying to find out information about all my old favorite guitarists and bands from the 80’s. I spent many hours sitting here alone, laughing out loud at the ridiculous clothes and videos, and of course, the music. But at the same time, it was a little more complicated than that, because I could still see and hear what I liked about them back in the day. Ever since that night, I’ve had the thought in the back of my mind that it would be fun to write a series of blog entries about some of those people and what my thoughts about them were, both then and now. Naturally, I would put up whatever videos I could find, so that you too could get in on the fun.
I’ve also needed to create a music-related e-mail list for a while now, so that people who are interested can keep up with my gigging and recording schedule, and this seems like the perfect time to do it.
But definitely check back here for the Eighties Röck Blög or whatever I end up calling it. I think that’ll be a fun project.