happy birthday, BFS&T!
beautiful, blogging, funny, sad, true December 17th, 2008Yes, it’s true. Beautiful, Funny, Sad & True has turned the Terrible Two.
That means that before too long this blog will start teething, vocalizing, screaming, yelling, putting things in its mouth, touching everything, imitating everything I do. . .it’s gonna be tough, but I think we’ll weather the storm. After all, we have a good track record of working things out.
I just hope that everything will work out in the end, you know? I want to see it grow into a healthy entity of its own. I want to know that I gave it everything I knew how to give, and that it learned from me, but that it still made its own decisions, and thrived. I mean, we all want the best for our offspring, right? We want to see them turn out to be happy, and successful, and well-adjusted. We want them to individuate and be self-actualized. We want them to stand on the shoulders of giants.
We love them.
Gosh, listen to me. Blathering on like a. . .blathering person. I feel like a parent who, upon meeting someone for the first time, reaches into his or her wallet to produce picture after picture of their kid, saying, “See? See? This is mine!” Well, what can I say? I’m proud of this here little thing, dang it.  I’m not gonna lie. I’ve met some really good new friends through this strange and wonderful medium, and I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank you for being a part of it all.
I’d like to propose a toast; to many more good years to come. Be careful with that champagne. . .
December 19th, 2008 at 12:17 am
ooh ya