FINALLY, some good news on the work front; I’m being reassigned.

Every day for the last four months, I’ve felt as if I were back in grade school.

It’s been proven that if a child isn’t challenged enough, and is consistently given tasks that are too easy for him to do, and he has difficulty completing them, it can look (from an outside observer’s standpoint) as if the child is “delayed”, not being able to handle even those simple tasks. He may be passed over for advanced programs, and indeed have to suffer countless remedial training programs instead, often feeling as if there’s something wrong with him for not being able to handle these tasks. This may go on for months or years, until such time as either the child or the teachers realize the mistake, if it is ever realized.

Assuming that it IS realized, the child will thrive and continue to grow and learn exponentially. Assuming that it is not, the child is in for a life of drudgery. This is what I’ve felt like at work for the last four months: a delayed child.

Wow, that was a little too cathartic. And this was supposed to be a celebratory entry.

Well, truth be told, even if it’s just for a few more days, the situation I’m in is the same, so I still feel just as squeezed. Constantly going through long lists of bizarre and arcane minutiae, constantly flipping between five or sometimes even six computer programs at the same time, constantly being pressed to work faster and “focus” by my supervisor (who has me keep track of all my time and activities throughout the day). . .it’s just fucking endless. Or at least it WAS, until last Monday at 4:00.

Starting this coming Monday, I’ll be starting in a new position. I’m thrilled; I’m at the point where I almost don’t care what it is, just as long as it’s not THIS one.