‘such a bitch’
Oregon, Portland, true December 19th, 2006This entry is a combination of two entries that I combined into one, and I’m re-posting them from my MySpace blog. This happened last summer, by the way.
I was out walking around yesterday, and I overheard two womens’ conversation, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. One said to the other, “I’m such a bitch in a relationship.”
The other person just took that in stride. “Oh, I KNOW. Relationships are SO hard. . .”
I wanted so bad to just turn and ask the first person, “Why?”
What’s the point of being in a relationship if all you’re going to do is make the other person miserable? Or allow them to make YOU miserable? Like the second person said, relationships ARE ‘so hard’, even under the BEST of circumstances. Everybody’s got issues. Yes, even me. har har
But at least I can say that I genuinely want the best for myself and whoever I’m with, and it makes me so sad to hear about people who seem to want nothing more than to leave a trail of destruction and heartbreak behind them.
Remember that you’re with the person you’re with because you LIKE THEM. And they LIKE YOU TOO. Why be together otherwise? Reinforcement of each others’ pathologies? Is that the basis of love? I have to believe it’s more than that, but sometimes I wonder. . .
Genuine deep connections with other people are extremely rare, and it seems to me like so many people don’t appreciate that, and they take the other person for granted.
And who am I to comment on all this? I have plenty of faults of my own, but I’m just sayin’. . . I want a real person to care about me for the Real Me, and I want to care about and connect with the Real Them in return. It seems like such an easy request. . .
and here’s part two:
Upon further reflection and re-reading, I felt the need to say that what I wrote earlier sounds more ‘intense’ than I meant it. I meant all that as a bit of questioning, not as a diatribe, which is how it kinda comes across. :) But that wasn’t my intention, or what I was feeling when I wrote it. More confusion than anything else.
Her phrase had been buzzing around in my head, and you got to witness my thought process, that’s all. LUCKY. :)
But anyway.
Man, is it a beautiful night or what? I wish my building had a roof (meaning one that people could go up onto; it obviously HAS a roof), or at least a fire escape, ’cause it’s the perfect night to sit out and look at the stars.
And for gawd’s sake, if you’re with somebody, appreciate them. Give them a hug or something. Try it now. . .go outside together, look at the stars or the city lights, and just hug for a while.