I have got to share today’s horoscope with you. As soon as I read it, I almost fell out of my chair, I was laughing so hard.

“Your job for the day might include dealing with groups of people who are not interested in hearing intimate personal details.”

I’m sure you can imagine why I, as an avid blogger, found that so amusing.

Tonight was a lunar eclipse during a full moon, which is an extremely rare occurrence. It was also Play Reading night, so those of us who were there early stood out in the middle of the road–only place that the moon was visible amidst all of the huge trees–and watched until we got too cold. Then we went back inside and realized that our view of the moon was almost completely unobstructed if we watched from the living room window. Thpffft.

The play that was read tonight was “Speed the Plow” by David Mamet. An excellent play, and we had a tremendous time reading it and playing toy piano along with it.

I wish I had a picture of the blood-red, eclipsed moon to accompany this entry. I’m sure I will never forget that sight as long as I live. I was lucky enough to witness a total solar eclipse when I was about eight years old. That was an incredible experience, and it’s a subject that is certainly worthy of its own entry, as soon as I get around to composing it.

In the meantime, suffice it to say that this lunar eclipse was beautiful and surreal, and I hope you get the chance to experience one too.