I came home for lunch today, and was greeted by the sound of huge crashes and bangs coming from the basement.  Apparently our old furnace was being removed.  The noise was so loud that I couldn’t even stand to be in the building.  I went to the kitchen and tried to find something to make for lunch, and I heard a BAM BAM BAM BAM from everywhere underneath me, but it sounded like it was coming from inside my skull.  The walls were actually shaking from the blows of all the hammers.  I got right back on my bike and decided to eat lunch elsewhere.

When I got home from work tonight, I took my bike down to the basement like always, but when I got down there, my jaw dropped.  I started to utter an F-bomb, but my tongue never even made it to the final consonants to enunciate the entire word.  This is the scene that was waiting for me down there:

Everyone’s stuff is intermingled and haphazardly piled on top of everyone else’s, and it’s like that in every room.  It’s a total nightmare.  I must have been down there for ten minutes, with my mouth hanging open.  Even the rugs are rolled up and stuffed in there somewhere, and big drums are on top of smaller, more fragile things.


It looks like the workers will be back down there tomorrow, too, so we don’t dare start putting things back yet.

Double yikes.  This is gonna be a really fun weekend.
