Since I’ve been re-posting things from my old MySpace blog, I’ve been having a blast revisiting some of these old entries. It was particularly fun to come across this beautiful dream I had back in May.

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So last night I crashed at about 11:00 p.m., after wanting to do nothing more than lie on my bed most of the day. At about 1:00 a.m., though, my eyes popped open, and there was no closing them, no matter what I did.

Finally, about 5:30 or 6:00 this morning, I drifted off to sleep. I’m glad I did, too, because I had the most amazing dream. . .

When it started, I was walking beside a lake with three friends of mine, two women and another man (nobody I knew from ‘real’ life). One of the women was handing each of us a little balloon full of a particular kind of tree sap and explaining to us that we should drop the sap into the lake, and either ask a question or make a wish. I chose to make a wish; I wished for Real Love. As I did, and the sap dripped into the lake, it created bubbles, the membranes of which were brightly illuminated either red or green, and that stayed illuminated for quite a few feet as they descended.

So then the dream changed and I found myself in the middle of a hilly, rocky dirt landscape. I walked for a really long time, until a boy named Tzeki showed me the way back to the village, and we talked and became friends. He showed me how he was learning to use a special kind of gun to send messages. This sounded intriguing, and I asked him to tell me more about it.

“Okay,” he said, “we’re having practice right now. Come on.”

So we walked over to this huge field, where three or four groups of boys were learning how to use these guns. The youngest were about 5 years old, Tzeki’s group was middle-school age, and then there were the mid- to late teenagers. I was my normal age in the dream. They all saw me as a traveler, and were quite happy to take me in and show me around their little village.

So I watched them all practice shooting, and then it began to get dark, and everyone seemed to get really excited. They took me to a gigantic cement building, and when we went in, there was a large swimming pool inside, and the ceiling was a pool. I hadn’t known until then that this civilization existed UNDERWATER. So the kids said to look up, that these bubbles would come floating down to us. As I watched, sure enough, a myriad of bubbles, each of which had either a faint greenish or reddish hue, started to descend from the surface, high above our heads. Before long, the room was filled with swirling bubbles, and each person was trying to catch one in his hand.

Tzeki said, “These are wishes and questions. . .if you’re lucky enough to catch one, you can answer it.” As soon as he said that, I realized that I had been on the other end of this scenario, with my friends, along the edge of the lake. I started trying to grab a bubble, and caught one in my hand, but was unsure of what to do with it. “Think of a response, and it’ll float back,” Tzeki said. So I tried that a couple of times, with a little bit of success, but I could see that it would take a bit of practice.

This lasted for a while, and when it was light, I walked on my way again, under a clear blue sky, amazed by what I had seen. I walked back to the shooting field, and suddenly understood that the bubbles were ‘generic’ messages, but the messages that the guns would fire were meant to communicate directly with a certain person of their choice on the edge of the lake. All the boys had been cheering each other on and trying to shoot a message to my friend, the one who had explained to the rest of us how to dip the sap in the water. They saw her as the leader, in a way, and wanted to be sure to communicate with her if they could.

I ran in the direction they had been shooting, and saw that the younger kids had barely shot more than twenty feet or so, but that Tzeki’s had gone hundreds of yards. I wondered if he realized that his bullets hadn’t been received by my friends up above. I ran on until I found myself in the same dirty, rocky clearing that I had started in, only now I saw it for what it really was; the dry lake bed. I found the older boys’ bullets all over the ground, almost to the edge of the lake, but their shots hadn’t made it either.

I started to run back to tell them what I had learned and seen, and that’s when I woke up.

SUCH a beautiful dream! I’d say the sleepless night was worth it, to have such an amazing experience like that.