I had a great blog-related idea yesterday that I think I’m going to start implementing right away. I call it OneYearAgo, because I thought it would be interesting to compare what’s happening now with what was happening at this time last year.

Naturally I decided to unveil the idea tonight, the twentieth of March, which was a day that it just so happens was entry-free last year. Here’s the closest one, though, by way of example.

In more current news, I got an out-of-the-blue call this evening from MusicProducerSean, who started the conversation very simply, by saying, “You rock!” I was taken completely by surprise, and instantly burst out laughing. Apparently he’s been mixing the songs of Sarah’s that I recently played drums/bass/keyboards on, and it’s all coming together nicely. I can’t wait to be able to hear the songs, and also to share them with you.

That phone call made my day. No, I take it back; it made my month.

More musical news; Andrea’s album is officially finished being recorded, and now we’re trying to decide whether to mix the album ourselves, or to go with an ‘unbiased’ mixing person to give it a fresh approach. I personally lean toward doing it ourselves–the three of us have world-class talents, and Jim’s studio is full of all the best equipment–but we’re also interested in hearing what someone else would bring to the project. So I guess we’ll see. After it’s done, Andrea’s moving to Switzerland. LUCKY.

Time for me to get a passport.