I had a dream this morning which was so long that I’m a bit fuzzy on the details, but the entire first half was exactly the same as one I’ve had before.  I met a guy who was in a traveling music show of some sort, and he was really trying hard to recruit me for it, but I didn’t get a good vibe from him, so I decided not to join.  I liked the idea of the group, however, so I decided to pack my stuff into a van and take a road trip for a week or two that would follow the group’s route, in order to watch a few of their live performances.  Each time, the guy asked me why I didn’t just join the group.  I always shrugged him off by saying I was too busy, or some such nonsense.  He always saw through the excuses, and said, “Yes, but here you are already, anyway.”

That’s where the recurrent nature of the dream ended and the new section began.  After leaving the group’s trail, I decided to drive to Washington state to visit my mom.  I had invited a girl from high school (though I didn’t speak to her or communicate with her in any way; I just somehow knew that I’d invited her) to meet me there by taking DogBus, and for some inexplicable reason, once I arrived at my mom’s house, she was there.

In real life, I didn’t know her.  Her initials were KT, and she played clarinet in the band for a while, before becoming a cheerleader.  All that is just back story, anyway, because even in the dream I didn’t get a chance to talk to her.  She always seemed to be busy in other areas of the house, or talking with my mom, who was having a gigantic yard sale at the time and so KT was helping her with that.   I was outside in the garage, where I found a closet full of my old clothes, particularly jeans.  There was an older woman friend of my mom’s who was also helping by watching the table full of clothes in the garage, and by taking money.  I went in and rummaged through the closet full of my stuff and found some jeans that were cool and that would still fit, but many that would not.   I separated them out – this pair was too small, this pair was out of style, this pair was acid-washed green – and then found a funny vest hanging there, which I pulled out to look at.  It was very light yellow, with pictures of fishermen embroidered on the front.  I laughed and held it up for the woman to see.  “Sometimes my mom used to bring things home for me to try,” I said, “but this clearly wasn’t one of them.”  I showed her its small size, and the ribbing through the chest, which meant that it was a girl’s shirt.  “I’m not a teenage girl,” I said, laughing, “and I wasn’t, even back then.”

The woman responded gruffly, “No one’s ever told me that before.”  She took the little vest, folded it for display, and set it on the table next to her.  Okay, I thought, I guess that conversation’s over.

I decided to go look for KT and my mom, and walked back toward the main part of the house, and that’s when I woke up.