Today I was supposed to record with IrishBand, but Singer was sick and losing his voice, so he had to cancel. That left me with a couple of hours to kill before our band meeting tonight, so I took the opportunity to enjoy this beautiful fall day and went for a hike in Macleay Park.
I thought about taking my camera, because after a few months out of the habit, I’ve started taking it everywhere with me again. The reason I didn’t today is because I didn’t want to carry it on the hike, and I’ve taken it to Macleay before, and while the park is supremely beautiful, the pictures have never been compelling. So I left it at home, much to my later dismay.
When I arrived at the park, there was a guy who was practicing his sword and staff skills, which was surprisingly cool to watch. I’ve never been into it myself, but I’m fascinated with all that SCA stuff. There was a guy I knew in Yakima who used to make his own huge swords and armor and everything, and go out into Randall Park and practice fighting. He was a little too into it, as a matter of fact, and he was a little bit scary.  The guy I saw today just looked cool, and was doing parries and lunges. He was just finishing up as I was walking by, though.
I hiked a mile or so up the trail, to the dilapidated Stone House, and when I got there, a family was shooting a movie with their little digital video camera. I sat on a log and watched them for about twenty minutes, while they filmed the last few scenes. They were in full costume; the princess, the witch, the adventurer, the sorcerer, and the two ghouls. I arrived just in time to see the ghouls and the witch get killed by two different spells, like this: “Abracadabra is what I say, and I want you to go away!” The little princess was about four years old, and when she yelled, “Save me! Save me! Save me!” I have to admit that it was pretty dang cute. The best part, however, was watching the dad be a director for the kids. It seemed like he had some sort of video experience, or at least he was acting as if he did. It was really a fun thing to see. I had my phone with me, so I was able to take a couple of pictures, but they both suck.
See what I mean? Oh, how I wish I had brought my camera. I learned my lesson, that’s for sure. After they finished filming, I thanked the guy for letting us all hang out and watch them (because a handful of other people joined me on the log), and asked him if this film had a name. “Indiana Johnson and the Princess in Peril,” he replied. Sounds awesome, and hopefully it’ll be coming soon to a YouTube near you.  Let’s keep our eyes open.
Tonight is a meeting with IrishBand, followed by a happy hour at Kell’s, where they have an open Irish music jam session that Singer and I have been to see a time or two before, and it’s really great. It would be fun to bring my cello down there sometime, but space is at such a premium in there, and the cello would make it pretty cramped. There are lots of violinists, and mandolinists, and flutists, and even an accordionist who played for a little while. Cello would totally rule with a group like that. Who knows, I may bring it in at some point.
Anyway. . .signing off.