Boy, has this week gotten away from me. Sorry it’s been such a long time between posts, but this week turned out to be as busy as last week was, but I left off at the Ray LaMontagne show. The next night, Thursday, I took the train downtown to see a poet who shall remain nameless, because while my two friends and I were very interested in him as a person, we found his poetry to be distant and unapproachable. In fact, my two companions fell asleep for a while during one of his longer stories. From there, Tossed In gave me a ride to my next engagement, which was Allanah’s birthday party. Total blast, but I heard later from Mike that it ended in vomitous tragedy.
Friday night was a slightly odd IrishBand show, which took place at a firemens’ local union hall thingy. Something like that. A couple of the members play a sport called hurling, and their team of guys was getting together at the end of the season to have a party and give themselves prizes and awards. One of the guys is a musician, and is a friend of our band, so he told the guys that since it’s an Irish sport, they should invite an Irish band to play. So they did, and we did. My favorite part was watching how Mike would change (or mumble) the more adult lyrics to some of the songs, since there were children present. In fact, a few of the kids came right up and sat on the steps at the edge of the stage. A girl who looked like she was about eleven sat right in front of me and watched the cello like a hawk. (Hawkette? Hawkess?) She even made cello motions with her arm at one point. After we were done with our set, I said, “Do you play too? You must.” She said that she used to, and she’d played for about a year, bu then her cello got broken when it fell over or something, and it was never replaced. I invited her to play mine, and she accepted. She sat down and started making sound with the thing right away. It was very fun to watch.
I actually had the weekend completely free, so I spent the majority of it sleeping, doing laundry, and watching episodes of Six Feet Under. I hadn’t ever seen it until J loaned me the DVD’s, and now I’m completely hooked on the show. In fact, we watched a couple of episodes together on Saturday night. After she left, I watched two more, and then two more the next afternoon.
Monday was supposed to be a recording session with Breanna, but she had to re-schedule because she and Justin weren’t feeling well. I offered the time slot to IrishBand’s singer instead, because we have a few high-profile gigs coming up, and we’re trying to get some music and promotional material posted on SpaceBelongingToMe by then. We had dinner first, of pasta with alfredo sauce and smoked salmon, and then Mike recorded a new acoustic guitar track. I then showed him how to run the recording software, and he manned the computer while I recorded a cello track, an accordion track, and a glockenspiel track. We still need to add vocals, violin and percussion, but it sounds really great so far.
Last night was the Breeders show here in town, which JBJ and I went to for free, thanks to the tickets provided by the radio station that airs his music show. We arrived during the second band, and were lucky enough to find a seat in the balcony. There are only two rows of seats in the entire place, so we were very fortunate. We weren’t impressed with the band that was playing when we arrived, which is to say that we talked with each other rather than listening to them. They were called PaperCut or something, or maybe they were the PenguinSomethings band whose name I never knew. I dunno. Then the Breeders came out, and they sounded good, but I’m not gonna lie; we found our attention waning during their set as well. We did get to hear them play “Cannonball”, though, which was really cool, then we decided to leave after listening to a couple more songs.
Tonight I’m home for a bit before meeting RockShowGirl, whose name may sound like one of those clever pseudonymic blogisms that I love so much, but it’s actually a variation on her name from SocialNetworkingSite, so it seemed apropos. Anyway, she just went through a very strange and sudden break-up last weekend, which she’s still reeling from, so I want to go talk to her and cheer her up. It seems like a movie might be in order.
Tomorrow’s a Breanna and Justin gig, and then Saturday is an IrishBand gig, so there’s still plenty on my schedule. Next week may very well be even busier, because CincinnatiFriend is coming for a visit, and then Mom and Stepdad will be staying here the following weekend.
Sorry for these many days of absence, and thank you again for reading all of this. Now it’s time to eat something and figure out what RockShowGirl and I are doing tonight.