weird dream

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My eyelids kept getting heavy while I was at work today, so on my afternoon break, I went out into the upstairs lobby, set the alarm on my phone, laid down on the bench by the window, and took a little nap.

During said nap, I had a short dream, which involved me eating a lot of sushi and then getting sick into the bushes, like I did in Seattle, except that the bushes were the bushes that are along the driveway at my mom and stepdad’s house in Yakima.


this morning’s dream

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This morning I had a car crash dream. Truth be told, it was an almost crash, rather than an actual crash. But still.

Kelly and I were going somewhere on the freeway; she was driving, and I was in the passenger seat. I was turned to talk to her, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a big SUV veering crazily all over the road behind us. I turned all the way around in my seat and reached into my bag to grab my camera, but I wasn’t able to get it in time. The SUV was heading for the ditch, and I wanted to see what was going to happen.

It careened off the road, and it cleared the ditch, but slammed into the retaining wall on the right. It ricocheted off the wall and when it hit the edge of the ditch, flew about 20 feet in the air. It landed right in front of another speeding car that was traveling in the same direction, but the SUV bounced again, and the other car narrowly missed it. The SUV miraculously landed on its wheels and continued in its original direction, and didn’t appear to be any worse for wear. The occupants continued on their way, smiling and waving as they passed all the other cars, including ours.

Weird. And–somewhat surprisingly–not gruesome, like the majority of my other car crash dreams have been.

Monday’s dream

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I’ve been so busy this week that I forgot to write about the dream I had the other night. Hopefully you enjoy reading about them, cause I sure enjoy posting them.

It took place in my apartment, which was kind of a combination of my current one (at the Opera House) and my former one (at the Taylor House). It was on the third floor, and it was very swanky and modern, big and open, with hardwood floors and lots of warm light. It was kinda late at night, and I was hanging out up there, reading or something, and a girl knocked on the door. We started talking, and she turned out to be really cool and funny, and we ended up talking about movies. She mentioned an obscure foreign one from the 40’s or 50’s, the name of which I don’t remember. Let’s say it was “Papillon.” We were talking about that and laughing, when she pushed me over onto my side and tried to kiss me. I stopped her and said, “I can’t do that. . .I have a girlfriend.” She protested, made a little joke and tried again, and I kinda held her by her shoulders to keep her at a distance. I said, “Nope, sorry. . .she and I aren’t seeing anybody else.” She got kinda bummed and sat up. I said, “We can sure hang out together, though. That’d be great.” She shrugged in a what’s-the-point kind of way, said goodnight and see ya around, and left.

I went out of my apartment, down the stairs into the foyer of my building, and I saw my friend Susan was sitting down there, smoking a cigarette. She asked if I’d seen any good movies lately, and listed them. I don’t remember which ones, but she said something like, “Hey, have you seen (title)? (title)?. . . Papillon?”, and gave me a smirk. I laughed and said, “Who the heck WAS that girl?” She gestured toward herself, looked mock-surprised and said, “You actually think I had something to do with that?” But then she laughed and gave herself away, saying, “I dunno, we were talking and she seemed cool, so I sent her up to your place to say hello.”

Then we heard a meow outside, and I went out to look. I saw through the big plate-glass window that the girl was still waiting outside, so I walked around to the back, where Astor (Susan’s white cat) was. I petted him and walked around back there for a while, then went back inside to my place.

There was another part to the dream, but my alarm went off right after that, so I couldn’t remember how it ended.

OK, All You Dream Interpreters, Vol. IV

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I don’t know *what* is up with Kelly’s upstairs neighbor, but HeOrShe was walking around all effing night. I’m not talking about sporadically, either, but constantly. Every few minutes, between one o’clock and five o’clock in the morning, HeOrShe would tromp around from the living room to the bedroom, or from the bedroom to the kitchen, or from the kitchen to the living room. Around five o’clock, I gave up even attempting to sleep anymore. If HeOrShe has OCD or autism or something, I’m going to feel like a huge a-hole, but oh my effing GAWD I was tired today.

Luckily in the couple hours that I did manage to sleep, I had two really cool dreams.

All I remember about the first one is that my mom, my stepdad, Kelly and I went camping somewhere. Oh, how I wish I could remember more.

In the second dream, my brother and I were driving around in an undetermined town, which I think was Yakima, but didn’t look the way it actually looks. Anyway, we were driving early in the morning, and the road we were on went past a high outcropping of rock, on top of which was a large synagogue. It looked like an ancient monastery, with many levels and no glass windows. As we passed it, I gestured up the hill toward it and said, “Hey, have you ever been up to that synagogue?”

“Yeah, once, but not for a long time.”

“I’ve only been there once too.” I hit the brakes, turned the wheel sharply and barely made the turn to the hillside road. “Let’s go now.”

On the way up, we came to a strip mall that was done in the style of a church, or more precisely, a church that had been built in the style of the 1980’s. The walls of all the buildings were cement painted chocolate brown, and the windows of all the stores were made of large, randomly-shaped pieces of red, yellow, or purple stained glass.

My brother was hungry, and wanted to stop at the mini-mart and get a danish, so we stopped and went inside. We found that the lights were off, but there were three or four employees inside, and the shelves were stocked. My brother went in search of the danishes, and I found a matchbook on the counter which said in large black letters on an olive-green background,

I turned it over, and on the back it said, “Such as. . .” and listed three obscure dialects of Chinese, Cambodian, and Hindi, respectively. By this time, my brother had found a danish, and he went to the checkout counter. The cashier was a young boy of about thirteen, who appeared to be from India, although he had no accent. He was reading something, but looked up at my brother and said, “Oh. . .we don’t open until Christmas, actually.” (This dream took place in the present, which is March as I’m writing this.) My brother looked at him, then turned to me, set the danish on the counter, and we both silently walked out of the mini-mart.

We never did make it to the synagogue.

* * * * * * *

To me it seems pretty obvious what this dream is about. I need and crave more spirituality in my life, but I (and my brother) always seem to allow the trivial daily stuff to get in the way, and distract me from the Path. I’m sure it’s no accident that it was a synagogue, either. The last time I went to church with my mom, the main theme of the pastor’s sermon was, “We think too much.” I thought to myself, “THAT’S the message? ‘We THINK too much’? Tell that to the Jewish people, who analyze and dissect every word of every line of scripture, and still maintain deep and thoughtful faith.” I couldn’t bring myself to go back to church there again.

Oh. Uhh. . .I’m an Episcopal preacher’s kid, by the way. Don’t think I’ve mentioned that here before, but it’s true.



something to do with spaceships

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At work this afternoon, I went out into the lobby and took a little nap, lying on the bench by the window. Just as I dozed off, a whole bunch of people started talking out there, and delivery people started making deliveries, and banging carts around and all that. I incorporated everything that was happening into my little dream, which I don’t remember, but it had something to do with spaceships.

Oh yeah. . .AND I got offered a new position today. It seems that I’ve been doing a good enough job at filling in with this one department that they want me to work with them now. This is an especially good thing, because one of my friends (who’s in her sixties, but will always think of herself as thirty-two) is the supervisor, and I’d be working with her. And two or three other cool people. Yay!