beautiful, music, Oregon, pictures, Portland No Comments »After being mildly bummed out all week, I went on an excellent day trip with a couple of friends yesterday. We saw the house from the movie The Goonies, went to the top of the hill overlooking the town, and then just walked around the town, by way of a couple of local brew pubs. The pictures came out. . .okay. It was overcast and misty all day, which makes photography a bit challenging.
This morning I got up early to meet a Seattle friend, her son, and two of her friends for breakfast at my favorite breakfast place in town, which was also a really good time. Now I’m home listening to Kathleen Edwards and getting ready for an IrishBand gig, which is at a house in Northeast Portland. The owners brew their own beer, and each year they have a big blowout of a party to celebrate the release of this year’s batch of beers, which they distribute at local restaurants afterward. A friend and I went once before, and we were the only two quasi-hipsters in attendance. The attendees were basically thirty-year-old frat boys (and girls). Well, here’s an example of what the conversations were like.
When you walk in the door, you are encouraged to make a name tag. I wrote my nickname, “Mr. T,” on mine and slapped it onto my T-shirt. When I stepped up to the bar to order a beer, a guy saw my name tag and said, ” ‘Mr. T’, huh? With a name like that, I’d expect you to be black and have a bunch of gold chains and a mohawk.” He laughed, and I said, “Right, that’s the jo–. . .yup.” I’ll probably go by my nickname again this time.  What am I saying? Of course I will.
So what does the title “Contagious” have to do with anything? Well, I saw this drawing on Artemis Wilde’s web site, and loved it, and felt that it’s apropos to how I’ve been feeling the last couple of days.
Sure, I could have stayed home and been a crankypants all weekend, but instead I choose to encourage better behavior than that, both from myself and from others, and a smile is the best way to do that.  So the title of this entry is shamelessly copied from her, as is the picture. You can find out more about Artemis Wilde here. I just love her simple, direct, touching style.
And now I have to pack up my bass and everything and get to the gig. I just have to remember to bring my smile with me, and turn that frown upside down or whatever.