This morning, after trying valiantly to go back to sleep, I actually managed to succeed on two occasions.  Both occasions were entirely too short, but they were long enough to have two short dreams.

The first involved two large, flappy, annoying insects that were flying around underneath the covers of my bed.  They flew very close to my face, which startled me and made me throw back the covers in alarm.  Once free, they increased dramatically in size and flew around the room.  They flew next to my head again, and this time it woke me up.

I went right back to sleep, and had the second dream, which involved the girl I met the other night.  She, one of her guy friends (not the one I met) and I were planning a trip to BigCityNamedTwice.  She’s been there before, but I haven’t, and I told her that I have a couple of friends who live there, one of which we might even be able to stay with.