unemployment SCHMUNemployment
blogging, music, Oregon, Portland, recording, true March 8th, 2009Well, it finally happened; I and at least ten other people got laid off on Friday.
It wasn’t at all a surprise. There have been many rounds of layoffs over the last six months, so we lasted quite a bit longer than most. Two or three months ago, the company was taken over by another, and the new company seems to have decided to simply dismantle much of the original, and send the work elsewhere in the country, leaving us high and dry in the process.
I’m not bummed about this at all. If anything, it’s a relief not to have to wonder what’s going to happen anymore, and I can put it all behind me and move on toward the future now. I’m going to go on unemployment, like so many others are right now, and sort out my life while I figure what to do next. I have a fairly simple and ‘low overhead’ lifestyle, and I also have friends, resources and talents that I haven’t had before. I also know that it’s possible to survive on extremely meager means–I’ve certainly done that before–so that won’t slow me down much. I’m not being a Pollyanna about it, either. I think any of my friends could tell you that I’m good at assessing situations, and that I’m nothing if not a realist. I think the glass is neither half-empty nor half-full, but that it’s twice as big as it needs to be.
I know; I’m clever.
I’m going to reach out and promote myself more for musical work. I’m going to ask my friends and colleagues to refer me for producing, recording, mixing, et cetera, and I’ll also be available for playing with more people too. I’m looking forward to all of this.
Keep your fingers crossed for me, and send me good thoughts throughout this transitional time, and don’t hesitate to ask me about musical endeavors, or refer me to people you think would appreciate my talents.
This whole getting-laid-off thing is going to be a blessing, I can just feel it.
p.s. – Now I’ll have much more time for blogging!
March 9th, 2009 at 8:25 am
fingers are sooo crossed for ya :)