I’m going to interrupt the ‘usual’ fare here at BFS&T to let you know about an important concert series I’ll be playing in. It’s starting October 9th and running clear through November, and it involves some of Portland’s biggest and best bands at some of Portland’s biggest and best venues.

The series is the brain child of Stephanie Schneiderman, who has teamed up with MercyCorps to raise money for Uganda relief. There’s been a largely unreported civil war happening there for the last twenty years, and the general population is really suffering because of it. Here’s a web site, where you can find out more about the cause and about the concert events:

Voices For Silent Disasters

It’s going to be a huge series of concerts. The Stephanie Schneiderman band–which I’m a member of–is playing on Friday, November 2nd at the Mission Theater. Amelia, Steph’s band, Richmond Fontaine, and the Joe McMurrian Band are all sharing the bill that night.

The series starts October 9th–with China Forbes and Thomas Lauderdale of Pink Martini–so that’s why I’m giving you an early heads-up. I’ll actually be playing twice in the series, once with Stephanie on November 2nd, and then with Susie Blue as part of a huge Songwriters’ Night on Saturday, November 10th, also at the Mission Theater.

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Quote from one of the volunteers:
EVERYONE who is performing, donating venues, doing the lights, taking tickets, etc. is donating 100% of their time, talent and resources so 100% of the ticket sales go directly to Mercy Corps, who has the excellent track record of sending 97% of the donations it receives directly to its projects; the remaining 3% is for their administration costs.
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If there’s a night that sounds particularly interesting to you, I recommend that you buy tickets early. Many of these nights will definitely sell out.

This is an amazing and worthwhile event, and I’m honored to be able to do my part. Thanks for your support!