My brother sent this to me the other day, and I just about fell out of my chair laughing.

I did some nosing around to find out that this is a serious ad, brought to you by the Washington Wine Commission. They have the same type of ad running in lots of the wine-producing towns throughout the state (Woodinville, Prosser, etc.). Which is fine. Heck yeah, let’s promote the region as the great up-and-coming wine producer that it is.

But Yakima? The envy of France?

Words fail me.

And by the way. . .what’s with the girl in the picture? Is she a French mademoiselle who’s experiencing ennui because of some little town halfway across the world that makes a few decent wines? Or non, perhaps she’s daydreaming about a place she can go, to get away from it all, to start a new life in a place that can really nurture her hopes and dreams. (“Je t’aime, Yakima. Mon amour, mon petit cherie, mon tout. . .”)

Yakima. All-American City 1985-86. The Palm Springs of Washington. The envy of France. But don’t take my word for it. Go visit, and marvel for yourself at what handfuls of French people are talking about.

A bientot!